Android下使用TCPDUMP抓包Wireshark分析数据 如果想分析Android下某个APP的网络数据交互,需要在Android手机上抓包,最常用的抓包工具非tcpdump莫属,用tcpdump生成Wireshark识别的pcap文件,然后将pcap文件下载到电脑上,用电脑上的Wireshark加载pcap文件,通过Wireshark分析tcpdump抓取的数据。...
Mac下部署Android开发环境附加NDK 作为开发者,我们深有体会,不管是进行什么开发,为了部署开发环境,我们往往需要折腾很长时间、查阅很多资料才能完成,而且这次折腾完了,下次到了另一台新电脑上又得重新来过,整个部署过程记得还好,要是不记得又得重新开始,而且遇到Android这种GFW阻隔了开发资源下载链接的环境部署,又尤其浪费时间。所以这也是我写下这篇教程的初衷跟动力源泉,希望大家参考了这篇教程以后可以轻轻松松在Mac系统下将Android环境部署好。...
稍顯嚴肅的台中 坦白說,留在腦海中的台中影像並不多,來台灣之前在Booking上只訂到了台中的一家青旅,第一次住青旅有些不習慣,幹什麼都放不開。 同屋的一個男生是台灣人,不過一年中四分之三的時間在上海跟北京,這麼說來跟我還是比較有共同話題的。得之我準備花15天的時間環島,覺得太倉促了,他們大學時期花一個半月的時間也不見得能將台灣島給逛完。我只能無奈地表示,兩岸允許的簽證時間有限,自己的空閒時間更有限,只能用打卡式的旅行了,我深知正真地旅行應該慢下來,融入當地的環境,感受他們的風土人情,但第一次只能這樣作罷,以後換成民進黨上台,形勢會變成怎樣還不得而知,能否再過來還是個未知數。而我一向信奉的人生格言是秉燭夜遊,活在當下,所以,理解自己吧。...
為之留戀的新竹 來新竹之前本沒有對她有過高的期待,慢慢對她加分要從桃園火車站出發前往新竹開始。 在桃園火車站的候車月台上,有醒目的旅遊資料發放處,這上面的擺放的全是新竹的旅遊宣傳資料,關鍵的是資料做得非常簡潔易懂,而接下來一天的新竹之行就全部是依據這份寶典的指引來完成的。...
Everything will be OK!
Always day one!
Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
Not motion, but action.
“如果你感到痛苦和不自由,希望你心里永远有一团永不熄灭的火,不要麻木,不要被同化,永远寻找有光亮的地方。” —— 肖申克的救赎
ChatGPT Respons Code 429:
warp-cli disconnect && sleep 3 && warp-cli connect && curl ifconfig.me –proxy socks5:// && echo
• The rich buy assets.
• The poor only have expenses.
• The middle class buy liabilities they think are assets.
But because of this, Mike and I couldn’t go along with the standard dogma our teachers preached, and that caused problems. Whenever the teacher said, “If you don’t get good grades, you won’t do well in the real world,” Mike and I just raised our eyebrows. When we were told to follow set procedures and not deviate from the rules, we could see how school discouraged creativity. We started to understand why our rich dad told us that schools were designed to produce good employees, instead of employers. Occasionally, Mike or I would ask our teachers how what we studied was applicable in the real world, or why we never studied money and how it worked. To the latter question, we often got the answer that money was not important, that if we excelled in our education, the money would follow. The more we knew about the power of money, the more distant we grew from the teachers and our classmates.
Most people want everyone else in the world to change but themselves. Let me tell you, it’s easier to change yourself than everyone else.
——Rich Dad Poor Dad